Adair County, Missouri

Early Settlements
Excepting those on the Missouri and
Mississippi Rivers, Adair was one of the first counties of
Northeast Missouri to be settled.
The first party of whites came in 1828,
from Howard County. The men who composed this band of settlers,
according to tradition, were:
Isaac Gross |
Stephen Gross |
Jacob Gupp |
James Myers |
Reuben Myrtle |
Nathan Richardson |
All except Gupp are supposed to have
been married. They located on the east side of the Chariton
River about six miles west of the present site of Kirksville.
They built three cabins, from which the settlement became known
as ''The Cabins.'' This settlement was broken up the next year
by what is known as the ''Big Neck War.'' Some Indians came down
from Iowa, bent on making trouble. The little band, after having
had some hogs killed by the invaders, sent to Randolph County
for aid. Twenty-six men came to help the settlers rid themselves
of the Indians. A battle was fought in which three white men,
John Myers, James Winn and Powell Owenby, were killed. The
Indians were well-armed and it is thought that the attempt of
the whites to make them give up their arms brought on the fight.
After the contest the Indians withdrew
to Iowa. The whites thought it best to retire to Randolph
County, although by this time troops from several other counties
and two hundred United States troops from St. Louis had arrived
on the scene to protect them.
According to tradition the settlement of
''The Cabins" was restored in 1830. John Cain, Andrew Bozarth,
Isaac Parton and possibly others came to the settlement about
that time. It is said that John Cain bought the claims of the
Myers family to the land around the settlement, for a pair of
shoe leathers. Between 1830 and 1840, settlements were made in
all parts of the county.
Persons who are known to have settled in
Adair County before 1841, besides those already mentioned, are:
Frank Adkins
James A. Adkins
Hiram Bozarth
Washington Conner
Lewis Earhart
Samuel Eaton
Benjamin Ely
K. S. Filts
Jack Floyd
Nathaniel Floyd
William A. Floyd
Jesse Gilstrap
James H. Ginnings
William Hurley |
Isaac Hargis
Charles Hatfield
William Horton
Samuel Hay
David James
William B. Jones
Jesse Jones
John Lesley
A. H. Linder
John Morrow
John Murphy
John Myers, Jr.
Robert Myers
Frayel Myers |
Robert Miller
Canada Owenby
William Parcells
Hartin Parton
Thomas Parton
Josiah Rogers
Hiram Reed
John Shibley
David E. Stone
Edward Stewart
Coleman Stewart
John Stewart
Andrew Thompson
Jesse Walker |
Many women and children also came into
the county during that time.
There were no troubles with the Indians
after 1845. In 1832, the year of the Black Hawk war, a fort
known as Port Madison, was built in the northern part of what is
now Polk Township, to furnish protection against the Indians.
After about 1835, the red men did not offer violence to any of
the whites, but contented themselves with killing their hogs and
other stock.
The county was organized in 1841, being
taken from the territory attached to Macon County. The territory
to the north of the new county was attached to it for purposes
of government. This was erected into Schuyler County in 1843,
but was not completely severed from Adair County until 1845.
Putnam County, which was organized in 1843, was attached to
Adair County until 1845.
It is probable that there were less than
one thousand people in Adair County when it was organized. The
early settlers came from other counties of Missouri to the
southward, especially from Howard and other counties bordering
on the Missouri river. Some came also from Kentucky, Tennessee,
Ohio and Illinois. The life of the pioneer was hard, just as it
was elsewhere. Farming was done under difficulties. Farms in the
timbered region had to be cleared first and this meant much hard
work. Because of the scarcity of oxen and plows, persons living
near each other would often join and do the plowing on their
farms together, taking them one at a time.
Grain was ground at first by hand-mills
which the pioneers brought with them. Horse and water mills soon
came into use and a steam mill was built about 1850 by a German
colony near Nineveh. A tan yard was established in 1837 by
Washington Conner.
The trading posts for the earliest
settlers were Hannibal, Quincy and Huntsville, the two first
named on the Mississippi river, to the east-ward, and the last
named to the southward in Randolph County. Mail was carried
across the county at first on horseback and later in stage
The County's Growth
Adair County has grown both steadily and
substantially. The census reports show its population as
follows: 1850, 2,342; 1860, 8,531; 1870, 11,448; 1880, 15,190;
1890, 17,417; 1900, 21,728; 1910, 22,700.
The county was one of the seven in
Northeast Missouri that showed an increase in population between
1900 and 1910. An increase in the wealth of the county
accompanied the gain in population. From $49,946 in 1845, the
assessed valuation of property grew to $3,176,789 in 1880, and
$5,840,078 in 1910. The actual valuation is, of course, several
times the assessed property valuation.
When the county was organized in 1845 it
was composed of five townships: Morrow, Benton, Liberty Pettis
and Wilson. Five additional townships have since been formed:
Nineveh, Polk, Clay, Salt River and Walnut.
The first county officers were appointed
in 1841 and held office until the election of 1842.
Samuel Easton, Joseph Ringo and John
Morrow were the first judges of the county court
Isaac Eby was the first sheriff
David James was the first clerk of the county and circuit
courts. Until 1872, when the office of county collector was
established, the sheriff went around the county and collected
the taxes.
First county officers
James A. Clark, circuit judge
B. F. Stringfellow, circuit attorney
Thoret Rose, assessor
W. C. Warrener, treasurer
The office of coroner was created in
1846 and David Smith was the first incumbent.
Grant Corbin was the first recorder, being chosen after the
office was created in 1898.
The first county collector was A. J. Knight, chosen in 1873, and
the first county superintendent was Robert Mercer, chosen in
Guy Chandler, chosen in 1869, was the first public administrator
J. D. Stephens, chosen in. 1879, was the first probate judge.
Present County Officers
Aaron P. Hopson, presiding judge of the
county court
Jacob H. Shoop, judge of the county court from the first
Seymour J. Reed, judge of the county court from the second
U. S. G. Keller, probate judge
Ed Rorabaugh, clerk of the circuit court
John T. Waddill, clerk of the county court
Grove Lowrance, recorder of deeds
Glenn C. Weatherby, prosecuting attorney
George F. Williams, sheriff
Ulysses G. Downing, collector
W. S. Polley, assessor
H. C. Worman, treasurer
Foster R. Easley, coroner
George E. McDowell, public administrator
Tyler Paine, surveyor
L. B. Sipple, superintendent of public schools
The first court house of Adair County
was a temporary, one-story brick structure, which cost about
$1,000. It was built in 1843. A second building was erected
between 1853 and 1855. This cost about $2,350, and was used
until it was destroyed by fire in 1865. More than thirty years
passed before Adair County had another court house. Four
propositions were submitted before a fifth effort was
successful. In 1897, at a special election, $50,000 in bonds was
voted for a court house and jail. The vote was 1,933 for and 650
against the proposition. The building was completed in 1899.
The county had contracted bonded
indebtedness for other purposes than building the courthouse.
The First District State Normal School was secured for
Kirksville by issuing $78,000 in bonds. This issue was
authorized in 1871. In the following year $75,000 was issued for
the Q. M. & P. Railroad. This amount was to be granted to the
road as soon as it was built to Kirksville. Benton Township
voted $40,000 and Salt River Township $6,000 for the same
railroad. In 1906, $17,000 in bonds was voted to build a county
In the Civil
Adair County took an active part in the
Civil war. Slavery had never been an extensive institution here,
there being only fifty-one slaves in the county in 1850 and
eighty-six in 1860. Many of the early settlers had come from
Kentucky or were of Southern descent and there was much sympathy
with the South, but when the issue became clearly drawn between
North and South, Adair County sided with the North. Even many of
the Southern sympathizers were unable to agree with the doctrine
of secession, so the only thing they could do when the Southern
states began to secede was to oppose their action.
The first expression of the county's
attitude was probably at the election of delegates to the state
convention called by Governor Jackson to consider the question
of secession. This election was held on February 18, 1861, with
two tickets in the field, one an unconditional Union ticket and
the other a conditional Union ticket. The candidates on the
first ticket, Frederick Rowland, of Marion County, Joseph M.
Irwin, of Shelby County and John D. Foster, of Adair County,
were elected by a decisive majority, carrying both Adair County
and the district as a whole.
Several war mass meetings were held in
Kirksville during the spring of 1861. W. T. Davis and Tom
Brannon addressed those made up of Southern sympathizers.
Meetings of Northern sympathizers were also held and it is said
that at one large Union meeting, held on May 27, much enthusiasm
was aroused by the sight of an aged man named Foster, the father
of Adair county's delegate to the state convention, carrying an
American flag. Mr. Foster was a heavy slave owner.
Confederate troops were recruited from
this county during May and June, 1861. W. T. Davis and E. M. C.
Morelock, editor of the Kirksville Democrat, a weekly newspaper,
are thought to have been the leaders of the movement. In August,
of the same year a part of the Third Iowa Regiment came to
Kirksville and put a stop to this work. It is said that not less
than three hundred men joined the Confederate army while
enlistments were being made and that many others slipped out of
the county later and joined the Confederates.
In some of the counties of the state,
Union Sympathizers were permitted to kill Southerners against
whom they had an old grudge and go unpunished. This was not true
in Adair, however. On July 4, 1861, a Union man named Ward,
stabbed and killed a Southern man named Sumter. As he had a bad
reputation previously, while Sumter had been quiet and
inoffensive, Ward was put in jail and a few nights later he was
taken out and hanged. No investigation of the lynching was made.
Adair County furnished at least four
hundred and seventeen men to the Northern armies. This number,
which is one hundred and sixty more than was called for, is the
number which has been credited to the county. It does not
include those men who enlisted outside the county or those who
enlisted in 1865.
Companies of Home Guards were organized
in Adair County in 1861, some of which remained in the service
only three months. There were at least three companies which
disbanded after ninety days and there were many others organized
during the war, which were in the service for several years.
Some of these troops were organized into Companies A and B, of
the Twenty-second Infantry, Missouri Volunteers. The work of
recruiting men for these two Adair county companies and of
getting them into service was facilitated by the arrival in
Kirksville in July of some detachments of the Third Iowa
Infantry, already spoken of, and the Sixteenth Illinois
Infantry. These troops helped not only in recruiting Federal
soldiers, but also in running down Confederate recruits and
recruiting officers.
The first military event of the war in
Adair County occurred on August 19, 1861, a few miles northeast
of Kirksville, between a squad of twelve men from the two Adair
county companies and a squad of Confederate recruits under
Captain Robert Hagar, of Monroe County. The Union men were
scouting around, trying to find a Colonel Green, who was a
successful Confederate recruiting officer. When at dinner at the
house of a Union man, the Union troops were attacked and
Corporal Hervey Dix, of Company D, Third Iowa Infantry, their
leader, was killed in the fight that ensued. The appearance of
Confederate reinforcements under Captain W. S. Richardson, of
Lewis County, compelled the squad of Federals to flee as best
they could.
Some of the Union soldiers from Adair
County saw service in the South. In the Twenty-seventh Infantry,
Missouri Volunteers, there were companies, C and D, which were
made up largely of men from Adair County. This regiment was
first sent to Rolla, Missouri, then ordered to Vicksburg, where
it participated in the capture of that place. It was also in
Sherman's march from Corinth to Chattanooga, and took part in
the fights at Tuscumbia, Lookout Mountain and Mission Ridge.
Later it took part in the siege of Atlanta and the march to the
sea, assisting in the taking of Savannah. It was also in the
engagement against General Joe Johnston at Bentonville, North
Carolina, and was mustered out of service June 13, 1865.
Adair County troops in the Thirty-ninth
Infantry of Missouri Volunteers were in the famous Centralia
Massacre. Company A, under Captain James A. Smith, and Company
B, under Joseph R. Good, were made up largely of men from Adair
County. The companies of the regiment were recruited in August,
1864, and in September, of the same year, were put on the trail
of bushwhackers in Northeast Missouri. During the movements,
Major A. V. E. Johnson started from Paris with parts of
Companies A, E and H, and followed the trail of Bill Anderson,
the famous guerrilla, until he found him at Centralia on
September 27th. Coming into Centralia with only about one
hundred and seventy-five men. Major Johnson, against the advice
of citizens of Centralia, decided to attack Anderson, who had
stationed himself in the timber near the city. Anderson had the
advantage of position and superior troops as well as of numbers.
Johnson had to leave fifty of his men to take care of the horses
and wagons, while Anderson had more than three hundred men ready
to fight. Company A was almost wiped out in the struggle that
took place. Few of Anderson's men were killed or wounded.
According to Lieutenant Colonel Kutzner's report, one hundred
and twenty-two Federal troops, including Major Johnson, were
killed, all within a few minutes.
The Battle
of Kirksville
Of Adair's part in the Civil war,
probably the most important part remains to be told, the battle
of Kirksville. Although relatively unimportant as a battle, it
was the only engagement of any size that took place in the
Joseph C. Porter, a lieutenant colonel
in the Confederate army, was enlisting troops in Northeast
Missouri. He was trying to gather as large an army as possible
and move it to Arkansas, where it could join the forces that
were gathering there. The Federals decided to attack the
Southern troops and crush them before they became too well
organized. Colonel McNeil, of St. Louis, with twelve hundred and
fifty men, largely directed the attack.
From a camp in Lewis County. Porter
started southward, keeping constantly on the move to escape
attack and to increase the number of his enlistments. He was
reinforced when he reached Callaway County, so that he had in
all two hundred and sixty men. Porter then turned northward
again, sending detachments to Paris and Canton to capture these
places. A courier from Captain Tice Cain brought him the
in-formation that Cain and his Schuyler county men had entered
Kirks-ville and had taken it. This news caused Porter and his
men to join the combined force under Porter now numbered about
two thousand. Cain at Kirksville, near which place they might
bring on an engagement. Of this number only about five hundred
were well armed, while five hundred were fairly armed and one
thousand were not armed at all. The large number of unarmed men
is accounted for by the fact that Porter was gathering up
recruits rapidly, many of whom had no arms of their own and
could not get any until they reached the main Confederate army
in Arkansas.
On reaching Kirksville, Porter warned
the people to get out of town. Some of his troops barricaded
themselves in houses and drew up his main line of defense behind
a rail fence. Kirksville was then a small village, having a
population of less than eight hundred.
McNeil's forces arrived at the edge of
Kirksville about 10 o'clock on the morning of August 6th. After
ascertaining the position of the enemy at the loss of several of
his men, McNeil attacked Porter. After a hot fight in which
Porter's men were driven out of a cornfield by a battery of five
guns and the public square was taken after a struggle, Porter
was driven out of the town. McNeil's troops were too fatigued to
offer pursuit very long, so most of Porter's army escaped,
although they lost some supplies. The loss on both sides is
unknown. The number of Union men killed has been given as five
by one authority and as twenty-eight by another. Of Porter's two
thousand men, only about five hundred were able to take part in
the battle. The number of Confederates killed is variously
estimated all the way from thirty-five to one hundred and fifty;
the wounded from seventy-five to four hundred; and the captured
from fifty to two hundred and fifty. McNeil's force is said to
have consisted of about one thousand men, of which number
probably more than half took part in the fight.
The Confederate wounded were in a
frightful condition after the battle. Finally, John L. Porter,
then deputy circuit clerk and recorder of Adair County, a
Southern sympathizer as well as a friend of McNeil, succeeded in
getting a Federal surgeon to attend to the wounded. The Federal
wounded were cared for east of Kirksville until they could be
brought into the city. If the citizens had not acted on the
advice of the Confederate leaders and left the town, many would
have been killed. As it was, one woman, Mrs. Elizabeth Coots,
was mortally wounded.
On the day of the battle, fifteen
Confederates, who had been captured in the fight, were executed
because of alleged violation of their paroles.
William Bates
R. M. Galbreath
Lewis Rollins
William Wilson
Columbus Harris
Reuben Thomas (or Thompson)
Thomas Webb |
Reuben Green, of Monroe
James Christian
David Wood
Bennett Hayden, of Shelby
William Bailee
Hamilton Brannon, of Marion
John Kent, of Adair County |
On the second day after the battle
Colonel Frisby H. McCollough, a successful Confederate
recruiting officer, was also executed.
The importance of the battle of
Kirksville has never been recognized by some. The Union officers
congratulated themselves because they were rid of a dangerous
enemy. Porter was never able to recover fully from the defeat he
met with at Kirksville. He kept up his recruiting, but was less
successful. What he might have done had he won the battle
instead of losing it, is problematical. It was an important part
of the desperate effort made by the Confederates to force
Missouri out of Vie Union.
Religious Progress
The earliest religious denominations in
Adair County were the Baptists and Methodists. It is impossible
to tell which came first. The first preacher who is known to
have preached in the county was the Rev. Abram Still, father of
Dr. A. T. Still, who came to Macon County in 1836. He frequently
preached in what is now Adair County until he left for Kansas in
the forties. He is said to have delivered the first sermon ever
preached in Kirksville.
Religious services were held at first at
very irregular intervals.
Then circuit riders began to have
regular appointments. It was some time until services were held
every Sunday, however. The lack of regular services was often
made up for by having camp meetings at which religious meetings
were conducted for several days. The first camp meeting in the
county is said to have been one held by the Rev. James Dysart
and the Rev. Robert Mitchell at Lesley's Ford on the Chariton
River, sometime in the forties.
Church buildings, when any were erected,
were simple, inexpensive frame structures. The Civil war brought
about peculiar conditions in the churches of the county. In an
effort to get on their feet again, they permitted doctrinal
differences to get the better of them and denominational strife
became bitter. Nearly every sermon was doctrinal and any
stranger could tell to what denomination the preacher belonged
by listening to him a few minutes. Religious debates began to be
held. They seem to have been most frequent and most thoroughly
enjoyed in 1878. Probably the most interesting debate was one
held between Dr. Jacob Ditzler, a noted Methodist preacher, and
Professor Jamison, a Liberalist residing in Kirksville at the
time. The four propositions discussed by the debaters were:
(1) The Old and New Testaments
are the inspired revelation of God to man. Ditzler
upheld the affirmative.
(2) The Bible is merely a human production, abounds in
contradictions and conflicts with success. Jamison
upheld the affirmative.
(3) In-fidelity and materialism tend to immorality and
to the injury of society. Ditzler upheld the
(4) The Christian religion and the Bible tend to
immorality and the injury of society. Jamison upheld the
affirmative. |
Argumentative addresses of all kinds
were frequent. Spiritualism and astronomical subjects were among
those discussed. President Bald-win, of the State Normal School
was one of those who spoke in opposition to spiritualism. The
debates were not only between the orthodox and the heterodox,
but were sometimes between those who were strictly orthodox.
Baptism and predestination were favorite subjects for these
The denominations now represented in the
county include the Methodists, the United Brethren, the
Presbyterians, the Missionary Baptists, the Free Will Baptists,
the Christians, the Catholics and the Episcopalians.
The Methodist Episcopal church
has congregations at Kirksville, where they have a fine church
building; Brashear, Novinger, Connelsville, Sabbath Home,
Bethel, Cater Memorial and Bullion.
The Methodist Episcopal Church,
South, has churches in the county, also. The church at
Kirksville has a large brick building. There are also
congregations at Brashear, Trinity, Gibbs and Curtis, in Clay
The United Brethren have
congregations at Brashear, Gibbs, Prairie View, Green Grove,
Prairie Bend and one six miles northeast of Kirksville. This
denomination has split into two branches. Some of the
congregations in Adair County belong to the branch known as the
Liberals, some to the branch known as the Radicals. There are
churches at each of the places named above; at Gibbs there are
The Baptists have always been
strong in Adair County. The oldest Baptist organization in the
county is the Bear Creek church, which was organized in 1840 by
the Rev. Talbot Hight. The denomination also has churches at
Kirksville, Novinger, Millard, three in the country in Clay
Township, Wilsontown, and one in Walnut Township called Morris
church. The congregation at Kirksville expended $12,000 in
rebuilding their church building in 1910, after it had been
badly damaged by fire.
There are four Free Will Baptist
congregations in the county, at Jewell, Connelsville, Bethel and
The Christian church has
congregations at Kirksville, Brashear, Gibbs, Illinois Bend and
The Cumberland Presbyterians
were a denomination of some strength in Adair County when they
united with the Presbyterians in 1906. The Cumberlands had a
good church building in Kirksville, which is now used for the
united congregations. There is also a Presbyterian congregation
at Millard. The Cumberland churches at Mulberry and Mount Moriah
became Presbyterian churches at the time of the union.
There is an Episcopal church at
Kirksville and there are Catholic churches at Adair,
Kirksville and Novinger. The Catholic Church at Adair is very
strong. The Lutherans, Universalists, Swedenborgians
Spiritualists, Holiness church and
Salvation Army have had congregations in the county at
different times.
Schools in the County
The schools in Adair County in early
days were, like those elsewhere, not up to the standards of
today. In 1855 there were only six school buildings in the
county. There were six teachers, all men, who received an
average salary of $13.00 a month. Out of one thousand and
thirty-seven children of school age only one hundred and
sixty-eight were enrolled in these schools.
Interest in schools soon began to
increase, however. By 1857 the number of school houses had
increased to twenty-six and the number of teachers to
thirty-eight, five of whom were women. The percentage of
enrollment had also increased, for out of an enumeration of
2,913, 1,152 were enrolled in the schools.
The Civil war caused practically all the
schools of the county to suspend or at least continue
irregularly. The condition at the close of the war was as good
as could be expected. Out of an enumeration of 13,937, 2,574
were attending school. There were seventy-one teachers, of which
thirty-seven were women. The decrease in the proportion of men
teaching in the schools is noticeable in Adair County as
Efforts made throughout the state from
1865 to 1875 to unify the school system brought good results in
Adair County. By 1872 there were seventy-four school districts
in the county. At the present time there are eighty districts.
Each district, with the exception of five, has a board of
directors composed of three members elected for three years, one
member retiring every year. Kirksville, Novinger, Brashear,
Connelsville and Wilmathsville have boards of six members, two
retiring every year.
The size of the districts varies. In the
western part of the county they are three miles square, as a
rule, but in the eastern part they are of several different
sizes. There has been little tendency toward district
consolidation, although there is need for it in several
The schools of the county cost about
$50,000 a year, of which the state pays about $10,000. The
average teacher's salary is about $42.50.
At Kirksville there are three public
schools, occupying substantial brick buildings. There is also a
good high school, which is accredited by the University of
Missouri. Good schools are also found at Novinger, Brashear,
Gibbs and Connelsville as well as in country districts.
The First District State Normal School
of Missouri is located in Adair County, at Kirksville. It was
established by act of the legislature in 1870, which created two
normal school districts in the state, and made provision for the
location of a state normal school in each. The first normal
school was located at Kirksville, while the second district
normal school was located at Warrensburg. The citizens of Adair
County had voted bonds not to exceed $100,000 in all for the
location of the first district school at Kirksville. Livingston
County offered $60,000 to have it located at Chillicothe. The
proposition made by Adair County was accepted unanimous by the
board of regents appointed by the legislature after the people
of the county had voted in favor of it, 629 to 189. The actual
expenditure by Adair County was $76,000.

State Normal School, No. 1, Kirksville
The buildings occupied by the North
Missouri Normal School were taken over by the state normal and
President Baldwin, who had founded the first named school in
1867, became president of the new institution. A new building,
to cost $51,400, was begun. It developed after the contract had
been let that this amount did not call for a completed building,
but only for the enclosure, so the legislature appropriated
$50,000 to complete the structure.
The school has had four presidents
besides its first one. President Joseph Baldwin. John R. Kirk is
the present president. The school has had for several years an
enrollment of considerably more than one thousand each year. For
the year ending August 31, 1911, the enrollment was 1,405.

Joseph Baldwin
Besides the public educational
institutions, Kirksville also has a school which attracts
students from all over the United States, the American School of
Osteopathy. It was founded by Dr. A. T. Still, founder of the
science of osteopathy. When Doctor Still made his discoveries,
he was living at Baldwin, Kansas, the home of Baker University,
a Methodist institution which he and his relatives had helped
materially to get started several years before. When he asked
the privilege of explaining his new found science in the school,
he was flatly refused. Finding Kansas an unwelcome field he came
to Missouri in 1875 and settled at Kirksville. Doctor Still and
his sons made slow progress in spreading the discovery, but
after some years of hard work, success came to them. By 1891
patients began to come to Doctor Still from all parts of the
country. Sometimes he would have from one hundred t" 125 in a
week. In May, 1892, Doctor Still incorporated the American
School of Osteopathy. The school has grown from humble
beginnings to an institution of much influence. The enrollment
has increased rapidly and in 1910 there were 153 in the
graduating class, making a total of 2,997 graduates of the
school. The science of osteopathy has been legalized in Missouri
and has also been given recognition by law in forty-one other
states and territories, and one province in Canada.
From 1897 to 1900 there was a second
school of osteopathy in Kirksville, the Columbian School, This
was founded by Dr. M. L. Ward. The school went out of existence
after many difficulties.
History of the
The first newspaper published in Adair
County was the Kirksville Enterprise, established about 1856. L.
F. Walden is said to have been its first editor and publisher.
The newspapers and periodicals published
in the county et the present time are:
The Democrat, the Journal,
the Graphic, the Van Guard and the Daily
Express, the first four weekly and the last named daily,
the Normal School Index, a weekly, and the Journal of
Osteopathy and Atlas Bulletin, monthlies, all published at
Kirksville; the Free Press, published at Novinger; and
the News, published at Brashear. The last two mentioned
newspapers are weeklies.
The county has been Republican most of
the time since the Civil war, although nominees of that party
have been defeated several times. During the life of the
Greenback party in Missouri the Republicans were beaten by a
fusion of Greenbackers and Democrats. At the present time the
county court is Democratic for the second time since the war.
All but one of the other county officers are Republican,
Farm Interests
The chief industry of the county is, and
always has been, that of farming. The county ranks third in the
state in the number of tons of coal mined, but its agricultural
interests exceed even its mining interests. The comity has a
corn acreage of about sixty-three thousand. The acreage of hay
and forage is even greater than this. Some oats and a little
wheat are grown.
The county also ranks well in livestock.
Cattle, sheep and hogs are found in large numbers. The livestock
of the county is estimated to be worth about $3,000,000. Much
poultry is also raised.
The largest manufacturing establishment
in the county is the factory of the Friedman-Shelby Shoe
Company, whose home office is at St. Louis. This factory was
built in Kirksville in 1908, after the citizens had given the
company $60,000 in cash, a free site for the building and had
promised free water for five years. The factory employs three
hundred people and the weekly payroll is about $2,500. The daily
output of shoes is twelve hundred pairs.
Coal Mining
The county began to be important in the
mining of coal about 1900. Coal had been mined since 1688, but
the county did not rank among the leading counties in the state
until 1900. Since 1902 it has produced from five hundred
thousand to seven hundred and ten thousand tons of coal a year.
In 1905 it ranked second among the counties in the state in the
number of tons mined. Since that year it has ranked third. The
coal fields are for the most part in the western and
north-western parts of the county. There are at least three
veins of coal deposits. The first one is found in the hills in
and around Stahl and seems to be confined to that part of the
county altogether. The second vein extends rather generally
throughout the coal fields of the county and is found at a depth
varying from fifty to seventy-five feet. The third vein
underlies the second at a depth of about one hundred and fifty
feet and has been found at Stahl, Connelsville, Novinger and
perhaps elsewhere. The veins vary in thickness from twenty-four
to forty-four inches. There are in the county now shaft, slope
and drift mines in operation. The first mining machinery in the
county was installed at Stahl in 1907.
The coal industry of the county has
given rise to several towns, as well as increased the size of
others. Stahl, Novinger and Connelsville owe their existence to
the fact that under and around them lie great beds of coal which
have been operated to a great extent. Novinger, especially, has
benefited by the coal industry. While ten or twelve years ago it
was a little village of about a dozen houses, it is now a town
of two thousand population and has just begun its growth.
The first coal company to do business in
the county that represented much capital was the Pennsylvania
Coal Company. This company purchased, in 1837, the mines at
Stahl and Danforth and operated them both. The company's name
has since been changed to the Stahl Coal Company. There are now
four large mining companies at Novinger, the Kansas City Midland
Company, the Manufacturers' Coke and Coal Company, the Great
Northern Fuel Company and the Rombauer Coal Company.
Four railroads pass through Adair
County. They are the Iowa & St. Louis, the Quincy, Omaha &
Kansas City, the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe and the Wabash.
The first to be built was the Wabash,
which was known at first as the North Missouri Railroad. It was
built from St. Louis through Adair county and northward to the
Missouri-Iowa state line by December, 1868. There was a great
celebration when the road was completed as far as Kirksville on
July 4th. On July 18, 1868, an excursion train was run over the
new road from Macon to Kirksville. This was the first time a
railroad train had ever been seen in Adair County. It stopped at
each station along the route while the band played. Two hours
were required to make the trip. The name of the railroad was
changed, in 1872, to the St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern. It
was taken over by the Wabash Company in 1889.
The Quincy, Omaha & Kansas City Railroad
was built through the eastern half of the county to Kirksville
in 1872. The road was later built on to the westward. The
Burlington has acquired this rail-road and it is now known as
the "O. K." or Quincy route. It runs from Quincy to Kansas City
and Omaha.
There are two railroads, the Santa Fe
and the Iowa & St. Louis that do not pass through Kirksville.
The Santa Fe was built through the county in 1888. The only
important station on the Santa Fe in Adair County is Gibbs. The
Iowa & St. Louis Railroad was built through the county in the
last ten years. It runs from Sedan, Iowa, to Elmer, Macon
County, Missouri. The road is now owned by the Burlington
system. It was originally built to open up rich coal mines.
Yarrow, Youngstown, Novinger, Connelsville and Hiberton are all
on the route of this road through Adair County.
There are ten banks in the county. Four
of the banks are in Kirksville. There are two at Brashear and
Novinger and one at Connelsville and Gibbs. The first bank
organized in the county was the Kirksville branch of the Bank of
St. Louis, which was opened for business in November, 1859. The
second bank, the Kirksville Savings Bank, was established in
1873. All the other banks have been founded since 1890. There
has never been a bank failure in the county.
The largest town in Adair County is
Kirksville, the county seat. According to
the 1910 census, it had a population of 6,347. It was laid out
in 1841, at which time Jesse Kirk, David E. Sloan and possibly
others were living in the vicinity. It was incorporated in 1857.
The city was visited by a cyclone on
April 27, 1899, in which twenty-eight people were killed. Much
damage was done to property. Some little damage has been done
from time to time by water.
Kirksville has been without open saloons
for the last five years. At an election held in June, 1912, the
city voted against the sale of liquor for four years more.
Brashear, in
the eastern part of the county, on the Quincy, Omaha & Kansas
City Railroad, was laid out in 1872. It had a population of 458
in 1910.
Nineveh was
founded by German communists who came from Bethel, Shelby
County, Missouri. Their leader was Dr. William Keil. The colony
was dissolved soon after the death of Dr. Keil in 1877. The
com-munity still exists, however. Most of its members have
joined other churches.
incorporated in 1904, has a population of 652. Coal mining is
the chief industry in this vicinity.
founded by and named for John C. Novinger, who lived in the
neighborhood, is the junction point of the Iowa & St. Louis and
Quincy, Omaha & Kansas City Railroads. It has a population of
about two thousand and is a coal mining center.
Gibbs, in the southeastern part of the
county, on the Santa Fe Railroad, has a population of about 250.
It is a grain and stock ship-ping center for farmers in three
Stahl, a coal
mining town on the Quincy, Omaha & Kansas City Railroad;
Shibley's Point, three miles northeast of Stahl; Adair, a
Catholic community; Wilmathsville, in the northeast part of the
county; Sublett, a shipping point on the Wabash; and Millard,
also a shipping point on the Wabash, are unincorporated
Other communities in the county are
Yarrow and
Danforth is on the Quincy, Omaha & Kansas City and
Youngstown and Yarrow
on the Iowa & St. Louis Railroad.
Northeast Missouri|
Missouri Counties |

Source: History of Northeast Missouri,
edited by Walter Williams, Volume I, Lewis Publishing Company,