Literature of the Land

By Edgar White, Macon
The section represented in this history has produced some
writers who are known wherever books and papers are printed. It
has produced many who have enjoyed a state and national
reputation. The average Missourian is an impressionist. If he
can't write a story he can tell one. The art seems his by
birthright. Samuel L. Clemens (''Mark Twain'') found his real
mission when he began to put on paper stories told him by
Missourians. The New York Sun once said of him that when ''The
Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" was printed, his standing as a
writer of humor was assured. The ''running gears" for the yarn
were related by Judge John A. Quarles, Clemens' uncle, to the
village folk at Florida, Missouri, and many years afterwards,
while in the far west, ''Mark Twain" put the flesh and blood and
sinew on, and a ripple of laughter ran 'round the world. While
in other lands, amid a new people. Clemens saw as perhaps he
never did here, the possibilities of Missouri character for
fascinating fiction.
Northeast Missouri writers have given to the public history,
fiction, humor, poetry, and technical work that will stand the
most critical analysis. In the great white-topped ox wagon of
the pioneer was always a Bible and oftentimes a history of the
American Revolution and Shakespeare and Scott. Later his
children read the lives of American and English statesmen,
promptly selecting their ideals, and being able to give their
reasons therefor. Many a log cabin contained quite an extensive
library. While the state was making history the germs were sown
that ripened into the substantial literature of yesterday and
The splendid, far-reaching valleys of northeastern Missouri, the
majestic river that ripples against its eastern shores, the
towering hills, the fertile prairies, the alert, active
characters one sees everywhere, all these are like a beckoning
hand, inviting narration. The impulse is irresistible. It is
like placing before the artist a beautiful form to reproduce on
his canvas.
That the writers of northeastern Missouri have risen to the
situation is attested by the large list of books they have
written. If the section is not known from, ocean to ocean it is
not the fault of the men who wielded the pen. They have covered
the ground, and they have done it with an earnestness and a
loyalty that are as touching as the subject is important.
Mark Twain and His Works
To the little hill village of Florida, in eastern Monroe County,
belongs the distinction of being the birthplace of Mark Twain.
November 30, 1835, was the date of the future humorist's
entrance into the world. John Marshall Clemens, the father, was
a native of Virginia. He was of a roving disposition, moving
from one locality to another, always in search of a place where
he could grow up with the boom. Having tried various settlements
in Kentucky and Tennessee, he moved to Florida in 1833, became a
merchant and justice of the peace. In 1839 he moved to Hannibal,
where he lived, until his death, March 24, 1847. Mark Twain went
to school at Hannibal, and afterwards learned to set type in the
office of the Journal, a paper published by his older brother,
Orion. Printers who worked in the office with Mark Twain are
quite certain they never discovered any outcroppings of the
genius which was to develop later, unless mischievousness was an
indication. Orion did the editorial work, and until he had
become broken down in health by writing too late at night, it is
said has compositions were excellent. The old printers who
remember Mark Twain as a companion of the ease say they do not
recall his having written anything for the paper. In those days,
Mark Twain's ambition - like that of nearly every other normal
boy in Hannibal was to go on the river.
Literature never appealed to any of them as a man's work. To be
really great, one must be either a pilot or a pirate. Letters
were at the foot of the professions.
At the age of twenty Mark Twain took passage in the "Paul Jones"
for New Orleans. He had read somewhere that a party organized to
explore the headwaters of the Amazon River had failed to
complete its purpose satisfactorily, and he set out with thirty
dollars in his pocket to finish the job. At New Orleans he
learned the next ship for the Amazon River would not sail for
short of ten or twelve years, and that even if it sailed in the
morning he didn't have money enough left to pay his passage out
of sight of New Orleans. So he prevailed on Horace Bixby, pilot
of the Paul Jones, to teach him the river for $500, to be paid
out of his first wages.
In time, under Mr. Bixby's skillful tutorage, Mark Twain became
a first class pilot, and, during the years of his after life, he
always referred to that accomplishment with peculiar pride. The
men of the river he never forgot. His fame as a writer was well
established before ''Life on the Mississippi," was published in
1883, but that work greatly enhanced his reputation. It is said
that the Emperor of Germany once told Mark Twain that he
regarded that as his best book.
Mark Twain admits in his fascinating river story that he stole
his pseudonym from Colonel Isaiah Sellers, whom he refers to as
''that real and only genuine son of antiquity." Colonel Sellers
was an experienced riverman. Whenever there was any controversy
among the pilots and Colonel Sellers would happen along he would
always settle it. He was the high court on river disputes. He
knew so much more about the craft than the other pilots did that
they became jealous of him. The old gentleman, while not of a
literary turn, yet was fond of jotting down brief paragraphs
containing general information about the river, and handing them
to the New Orleans Picayune. These he signed ''Mark Twain," a
term used by the leadsman indicating ''twelve feet."
Colonel Sellers would prove all his points by referring to
conditions before the other pilots were born, and they had no
way to answer him.
It chanced one day that the Colonel printed a paragraph in the
Picayune which seemed to lay him open to ridicule. Young Clemens
took advantage of the opportunity and tried out his first
attempt at humor on the ancient mariner. He showed what he had
written to several of the pilots, who grabbed it and rushed to
the New Orleans True Delta with it.
Clemens said that he afterwards regretted it very much because
''it sent a pang deep into a good man's heart." There was no
malice in it, but irresistible humor, and it made all the
rivermen laugh. From that day henceforth Colonel Sellers did the
young pilot the honor to profoundly detest him. He never sent
another paragraph to the newspaper and never again signed his
name ''Mark Twain" to anything. When Clemens heard of the old
man's death he was on the Pacific Coast engaged in newspaper
work, and as he needed a nom de guerre, he confiscated the one
which had been used by Colonel Sellers. Feeling himself bound to
maintain the reputation so long held by the original owner of
the name, Mark Twain wrote: ''I have done my very best to make
it remain what it was in his hands, a sign, symbol and warrant
that whatever is found in its company may be gambled on as being
the petrified truth.''
Mark Twain left the river in 1861, when his brother. Orion, was
appointed Territorial Secretary of Nevada. Orion, who always
took a fatherly interest in Sam, took him along with him. The
trip overland to the far west and the wonderful experiences
there Mark Twain told in his first book, ''Roughing It.'' At one
time he and a mining friend, Calvin Higbie, struck a blind lead
and were millionaires for ten days. According to the law those
locating a new claim had to do some active development work
within that time. Both Higbie and Clemens understood the
importance of this, but it happened that Clemens was called away
to attend a sick friend and that Higbie had gone into the
mountains on very urgent business. Neither knew of the other's
mission and each left word for the other to be sure and do the
work required by the law before the ten days were up. They
returned to their mine just in time to find a new company
relocating it.
While in the depths of the blues over his loss of a fortune,
Clemens was tendered a position as city editor on the Daily
Territorial Enterprise. That fixed his career and from the hour
he entered the sanctum of that live western newspaper his pen
was never idle. Some of his earlier work, and Clemens frankly
confesses it, was rather wild and woolly; he wrote all sorts of
yarns, without much regard to their foundation, but he was
always interesting and the people loved to read his work. From
Nevada he drifted to San Francisco, became very hard up again,
and was created special ambassador to write up the Sandwich
Islands for the Sacramento Union. His work on the Islands began
to show the real mental status of the man. While humorous in the
main, there was a great deal of solid information given. The
beautiful descriptive sketches be sent his paper could only have
been produced by a literary genius. The reception accorded them
by the public caused the production of "Roughing It."
"Innocents Abroad" followed. This was a narration of a voyage
made by Mark Twain and a shipload of American sightseers to
Europe and portions of Asia and Northern Africa. That time the
humorist traveled as a plain citizen. None of the great men of
Germany, France, Great Britain or elsewhere thrust through the
crowd to shake his hand. But after the quaint and humorous
"Innocents Abroad" was published, and one or two other works of
equal originality and merit, the crowned heads of the old
countries were eager to extend the welcoming hand to the
distinguished American when he touched their shores.
"Tom Sawyer," "Huckleberry Finn," "Gilded Age," "The Prince and
the Pauper," "Life on the Mississippi," "A Tramp Abroad," etc.,
all became successful books, and were read with pleasure
In 1884 Clemens established the publishing house of C. L.
Webster & Co., in New York. The failure of the firm, after it
had published General Grant's Personal Memoirs, and paid over
$250,000 to "his widow, involved Mr. Clemens in heavy losses;
but by 1900 he had paid off all obligations by the proceeds of
his books and lectures.
The Missouri General Assembly of 1911-12 appropriated $10,000
for a statue of Mark Twain to be erected at Hannibal.
The Clemens home on Hill Street, Hannibal, was built by John
Marshall Clemens in 1844. It was purchased by Mr. and Mrs.
George A. Mahan and dedicated to the city of Hannibal, May 7,
1912. The dedicatory exercises occurred May 15. A large crowd of
citizens and people from abroad attended. The presentation
address was made by Mr. Mahan. Mayor Charles T. Hays accepted on
the part of the city. Other addresses were made by Walter
Williams, Dean of the School of Journalism of the University of
Missouri, and the Rev. Ben-Ezra Styles Ely, Jr., D. D.
The old house has been repaired and strengthened, though every
outward feature has been faithfully retained. It is used as a
sort of Mark Twain Memorial House, and contains many interesting
relics and souvenirs of the dead writer. On a bronze tablet is
the bust of Mark Twain, and underneath it these words: ''Mark
Twain's life teaches that poverty is an incentive rather than a
bar; that any boy, however humble his birth and surroundings,
may by honesty and industry accomplish great things. George A.
There are some who think that when Mark Twain exiled himself
from Missouri, he lost his love and veneration for the state of
his birth. Those who knew him best, however, will never believe
this. He visited Hannibal several times after his place had been
fixed among the literati, and on each occasion showed the
warmest affection for his old friends and his native state. If
any greater proof were needed, the record stands in his own
words, as he lay upon a sick bed, near the close of his life,
when engaged upon his autobiography. While the shadows crept
about him he looked through the gloom and sketched a picture of
the old state as he had seen it in his boyhood days, and for
tenderness and beauty no writing he ever did surpassed it. It
showed where his heart was, and the unexpected depth of his
Mark Twain died at Redding, Connecticut, April 21, 1910.
Eugene Field
Eugene Field, who was born in St. Louis, September 2, 1850,
enjoyed an advantage which Mark Twain did not, that of a good
university education. This gave a smoothness and sureness of
touch to his work that caused it to excel Mark Twain's earlier
efforts. While attending the Missouri University Mr. Field wrote
a poem which he styled ''Sketches from College Life, by Timothy
Timberlake." It was descriptive of a college prank, the capture
and painting of the college president's horse, ''Bucephalus."
Although several words were misspelled and but little attention
paid to commas, one of Field's college chums, the late Lysander
A. Thompson of Macon, begged the author for the manuscript,
frankly telling Field that he knew one day he would be a famous
writer and poet, and that he wanted as a souvenir what he
understood to be Mr. Field's first real effort at poetry. The
manuscript is still preserved by a relative of Mr. Thompson's.
It has been submitted to several who were closely associated
with Field in newspaper work, and they unhesitatingly pronounce
it a genuine Field manuscript. Of course its main value is the
fact, as asserted, that it was Mr. Field's first venture of the
sort. It was highly appreciated by the college boys, and even
members of the faculty forgot the stern call of discipline to
smile at the young poet's good natured and clever rhymes.
Leaving college, Field threw his whole heart into his chosen
life work. At the outset of his career he was employed by
newspapers at St. Louis. St. Joseph and Kansas City. From the
start his newspaper work was distinctive. Turning up sensations
against men in public life never appealed to him. He would
satirize them, but it was in such a way that he made friends of
the men at whom his shafts were directed. While Jefferson City
correspondent for a St. Louis newspaper. Field wrote a poem
about Judge Samuel Davis of Marshall, a thing so cleverly done,
and withal so kindly and good-natured that while the whole state
laughed at it, Davis enjoyed it as much as anybody. Davis was
the young legislator from Saline County. Rats had been
particularly bad out his way, and he introduced a bill
authorizing county courts to pay a bounty on rat scalps, if they
desired. This was grist for Field's mill, and he utilized it
well. Judge Davis, the victim, said he regarded the poem
dedicated to him as one of the finest things Field ever wrote.
Field left Kansas City to enter the service of the Denver
Tribune. There he originated a column of humorous paragraphs
which he called ''The Tribune Primer." Papers everywhere
instantly started copying from this column, and in a short time
the Tribune was the best known paper in the country.
From Denver, Field went to Chicago, where he took a contract
with The News to furnish daily a column of solid agate
paragraphs, which he headed ''Sharps and Flats.'' These enjoyed
the same popularity that was accorded "The Tribune Primer."
While residing in Missouri, Field attended all the gatherings of
the State Press Association. Of an intensely social disposition,
he was the life and soul of such occasions. And never did he
suffer a meeting to go by without creating some laughable
feature not on the programme.
Field was a lover of childhood. When attending a press
association, if he happened to run across some youngsters on the
street, he wouldn't hesitate to leave the editors to mix with
the small chaps and show them new games.
This poem, written by Field after the death of his little boy,
shows the heart of the man who is loved by all the little folks
of Missouri and known as "The Children's Poet."
"The little toy dog is covered with dust
But sturdy and staunch he stands.
And the little toy soldier is red with rust,
And his musket moulds in his hands.
Time was when the little toy dog was new
And the soldier was passing fair;
That was the time when our little Boy Blue,
Kissed them and put them there.''
Between times, while engaged on newspaper work. Field wrote the
following books, which are yet enjoying great popularity: ''Love
Songs of Childhood;'' ''A Little Book of Western Verse:'' ''A
Second Book of Verse;'' ''The Holy Cross, and Other Tales;"
''The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac." With his brother, Roswell
Martin Field, the poet made some good translations from Horace,
"Echoes from Sabine Farm."
Mr. Field died in Chicago, November 4, 1895.
Perhaps among the living writers born in Northeast Missouri, the
one best known by the public of today is Rupert Hughes, now
residing at Bedford Hills, New York. Mr. Hughes was born at
Lancaster, Schuyler County, January 31, 1872. He is a son of
Judge and Mrs. Felix Turner Hughes. For many years Judge Hughes
was president of the Keokuk and Western Railroad. He is now
engaged in the practice of law, and resides at Keokuk, Iowa.
Rupert Hughes was educated in the public schools of Keokuk,
which he attended from 1880 to 1886, inclusive, then went to St.
Charles College, the Western Reserve Academy and Western Reserve
University, graduating in 1892, taking A. B. degree. Then he
spent a year in graduate studies at Yale University, finishing
with the degree of A. M. His first newspaper experience was that
of a reporter for the New York Journal, a position he
successfully filled for six months. But literary work was more
to his liking, and he accepted a position as editor of
Storiettes, then became assistant editor of Godey's Magazine and
also of Current Literature. From 1898 to 1901 he was assistant
editor of ''The Criterion," a deluxe publication demanding the
highest standard of literary workmanship.
During all this time Mr. Hughes contributed extensively of
fiction, verse, essays and criticisms to the leading magazines.
From May. 1001, to November, 1902, he was in London with the
Encyclopedia Britannica Company, and from the latter date to
May, 1905, in New York with the same concern as chief assistant
editor of "The Historian's History of the World."
In January, 1897, Mr. Hughes joined the Seventh Regiment. During
this country's war with Spain he was acting captain in the 114th
Regiment. He 'resigned from the army in 1910.
But few writers have been as industrious with their pens as Mr.
Hughes. He has written an astonishing number of high-class
stories and popular plays for a man of his years, and is still
keeping up the tremendous output. Following are some of his
books: ''American Composers," ''The Musical Guide," ''The Love
Affairs of Great Musicians," ''Songs by Americans," ''Gyges'
Ring," ''The Whirlwind," ''The Real New York," ''Zal," and ''The
Gift Wife."
Among Mr. Hughes's dramatic works are these: "The Bathing Girl,"
"The Wooden Wedding," "In the Midst of Life," (in collaboration
with Dr. Holbrook Curtis: "Tommy Rot," "Alexander the Great."
(in collaboration with Collin Kemper;) "The Triangle," "All for
a Girl," "The Transformation," (played for five months by
Florence Roberts, then for two years under the name of "Two
Women," by Mrs. Leslie Carter;) "Excuse Me." This last play ran
successfully during two hundred and fifty performances in New
York, and met with the same encouragement when presented by
three companies touring the United States. Next year (1913) two
companies will travel this country with it. Arrangements have
been made for the production of "Excuse Me" in France, Germany,
England, Italy, Russia, Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
Mr. Hughes yet finds time to write short and serial stories for
the Saturday Evening Post, Holland's Magazine and many other
standard publications of the United States.
Walter Williams
Walter Williams, dean of the School of Journalism of the
University of Missouri, is the author of "Some Saints and Some
Sinners in the Holy Land" (1902); "How the Cap'n Saved the Day"
(1901); "The State of Missouri" (1904); "History of Missouri"
(1908); "Missouri Since the Civil War" (1909); "From Missouri to
the Isle of Mull" (1909); with John Temple Graves and Clark
Howell, of "Eloquent Sons of the South" (1909); with Frank L.
Martin, of "The Practice of Journalism" (1911)'.

Missouri Editors and Visitors at Journalism Week,
University of Missouri
Henry Clay Dean
Henry Clay Dean, lecturer, lawyer and writer, was born in
Virginia, in the year 1822; moved to Iowa in 1850, and to
Missouri some ten years later, locating on a farm in northwest
Putnam County. After the War Between the States, his home was
referred to as "Rebel Cove," its owner being a stanch adherent
of the southern cause. Previous to the war Mr. Dean had been
chaplain of the United States Senate for a time.
Soon after coming west Mr. Dean became a national character. He
was regarded as a matchless platform speaker, and unsurpassed as
a pleader at the bar. The argument closing the ease is where Mr.
Dean's talents shone brightest. He rarely examined witnesses
himself, preferring to leave that part of the work to his
associate counsel, but his marvelous memory enabled him to
retain and use with effect the evidence introduced.
With a wonderful library at command in his country home, Mr.
Dean read and wrote constantly. His writing was like his
platform speeches, brilliant, forceful and abounding in
beautiful metaphor. He was also a past master in withering
sarcasm. No one who heard him speak ever forgot the magnetic
Henry Clay Dean. Mr. Dean published a strong work entitled "The
Crimes of the Civil War." This attracted a great deal of
interest at the time of its issuance. When Mr. Dean died he left
ready for the press the manuscript for a book, of which the
following was the title page:
The Voice of the People in the Federal Government
Being an inquiry into the abolition of the abuse of
executive patronage and the election of all the chief
officers of the federal government by the direct vote of
the people whom they serve.
By Henry Clay Dean
Liberty will be ruined by providing any kind of
substitute for popular election.
Necker. In one volume.
This exhaustive work was intended for the political guidance of
the public over twenty years ago, but Mr. Dean happened to have
his hands full of legal business and lecture engagements at the
time he finished the manuscript, and he neglected to publish it.
Those who have read the writing say that now a vast majority of
the American public, irrespective of party, endorse Mr. Dean's
position in this last important literary work of his life, but
at the time of its writing many prominent Democratic friends
advised him not to publish it, as it was twenty years too soon
to dare enunciate such views. At the same time they admitted the
teaching was sound, and that it would eventually be a
controlling issue in this country. It was characteristic of Mr.
Dean to think ahead of his time. Some of the things for which he
was criticized for advocating on the platform, are today
regarded as results of practical statesmanship.
A great many of Mr. Dean's speeches on murder trials or on
political questions were reported and printed in pamphlet form.
These were given to anybody for the asking. The money feature of
his work never interested him. He might have coined his splendid
talent into dollars and died wealthy, but he seemed to be
impressed with a higher idea; that he was called upon to elevate
the people, and to enable them to use their suffrage more
intelligently. His big library in his country home was his
pride. It was stocked with a double tier of books extending
nearly to the ceiling, on all sides, save where the windows
were. While they were apparently jumbled together in an
unsystematic mass, Mr. Dean was never at a loss to pick out
instantly any volume he wanted.
Upon one occasion a young man requested Mr. Dean to advise him
regarding the books he should read as an initial education in
the law.
"Take the Bible first," said Mr. Dean. "You will find lots of
sound law in it, and the most perfect rules of justice that
obtain anywhere. Then take a thorough course in Latin from my
good friend, Professor Jake Hill, for he knows Latin as few men
do. Next read up on Campbell's Philosophy of Rhetoric. Then dive
into Gibbon's History of Rome. Follow that with Hume's History
of England, Macaulay's history of the same country, and Green's
History of the English People. This done and well done, you will
be qualified to begin the study of law!"
Those who enjoyed the pleasure of listening to Mr. Dean speak
would never doubt that he had fully followed his own
prescription as to reading.
Mr. Dean was tall, straight and soldierly-looking. Shortly
before his death he was sitting out on his porch with his friend
and physician, Dr. A. J. Eidson. Mr. Dean had been quietly
interrogating the doctor about his symptoms, and at last had
forced from him the reluctant admission that the hour of his
death was so close that it could almost be fixed. Then the
orator of "Rebel Cove" said calmly:
"Do you see that large elm down there in the grove, doctor?"
indicating with his hand. "I've watched it grow from a tiny
sprout. It has stood the assault of hailstorms, of hurricanes
and of lightning, and now it reaches up above all the rest,
strong, sturdy, unafraid, like my life has been. That tree,
doctor, is to be my headstone. You will see to it?"
Mr. Dean died at his home February 6, 1887.
William F. Switzler
Colonel William F. Switzler (1819-1906) of Columbia, was the
author of the following works: "Commerce of the Mississippi and
Ohio Rivers," "History of Statistics and Their Value,"
illustrated History of Missouri," ''Wool and the Manufacturers
of Wool" and "The History of Boone County." The latter, although
very complete, was sold at a modest figure and enjoyed a wide
circulation in the county it described.
During his later years Colonel Switzler devoted the greater part
of his time to the preparation of a work entitled: "A History of
the Missouri University." His eagerness to complete this seemed
to add the necessary years to his life. It was intended to crown
his long and able toil with the pen, and is said to be a
thoroughly accurate and complete history of Missouri's great
educational institution. The work has not yet been published.
Another ambition of Colonel Switzler's, one which was partly
carried out, was to publish a volume on "Eminent Missourians."
Seventeen of these sketches by his pen have been printed in the
Globe-Democrat, He afterwards sent them to his friend, M. C.
Tracy, of Macon, who is now engaged in the completion of the
One of the noticeable faculties of Colonel Switzler was his
almost marvelous memory. Especially did this appear when any
matter concerning Missouri was under discussion. He could tell
you not only the name of every county in the state, but why it
was so named, when it was organized and its important features.
It has been said of him that he was so well acquainted with men
and events that he could sit at his desk, without a reference
book about him, and write a first-class history of Missouri
entirely from memory.
Lexington, Kentucky, was the birthplace of Colonel Switzler.
When he came to Missouri he was in his seventh year, locating in
Howard county. In 1841 he removed to Columbia, where he
practiced law, and then became editor of the Columbia Patriot.
The Columbia Statesman was established by Colonel Switzler in
1843, and in August of that year he was married to Mary Jane
Royal, a niece of General Sterling Price.
Colonel Switzler published the Columbia Statesman forty-six
years. In 1866 and 1868 he was nominated on the Democratic
ticket for Congress. Notwithstanding the general
disfranchisement of his friends, he defeated his opponents,
George W. Anderson and D. P. Dyer, but was refused a certificate
of election each time.
In 1885, Colonel Switzler temporarily abandoned newspaper work
and writing to accept the position of chief of the bureau of
statistics tendered him by President Cleveland. Retiring from
that office, Colonel Switzler returned to the work that was
always closest to his heart, writing stories of Missouri and its
people, and occasionally lecturing on those subjects. He died at
Columbia, May 24, 1906, in his eighty-eighth year.
Homer Croy
Homer Croy is a tall, good natured youth who is making his
literary way in the metropolis of the nation, and Northeast
Missouri claims him, for it was while attending the State
University at Columbia that his pen began to write things that
sparkled. Soon after leaving the University, Mr. Croy diligently
besieged the goddess of fame, and though for some time she
turned coyly from his knocking, he was so hopeful and persistent
that at last she threw her arms around him, and set him on a
pedestal before he was twenty-eight. While attending the
University Mr. Croy was a regular contributor to a number of
high-class magazines and humorous publications. Going from
Missouri to New York, he had hard traveling for a year or so. He
frankly admits there were times when it took all his diplomacy
to convince his landlady and tailor that destiny had a good
place picked out for him if they would only be patient like he
was. So he kept pegging away, never losing confidence in
himself. He established friendly relations with all the big
magazine editors, and never let them forget that it was his
business to produce grist for their mill. Then he founded the
Magazine Maker, and in six months made it an invaluable friend
and aid both to editors and writers everywhere. Having
successfully established his magazine, and demonstrated that he
couldn't be stopped, Mr. Croy was recently tendered a good
position in the editorial department of Judge and Leslie's,
which he accepted, and is climbing right along.
Mr. Croy is a graduate of 1907. Within five years he has
ascended the rounds from newspaper reporter to magazine editor,
and has a right to feel pretty well satisfied with himself, for
a man yet under thirty.
Andrew J. Eidson
Dr. Andrew J. Eidson (1837-1903) referred to as the friend and
physician of Henry Clay Dean, long resided in Schuyler County.
He has to his credit many poems of more than average merit, and
these appeared from time to time in the press. One of his poems
that attracted pretty general attention is entitled: "No
Children's Graves in China." It was inspired by the story of a
missionary from China, printed in the Central Baptist, of St.
Louis. It described the pagan practice of throwing dead children
to the fishes.
The poem was used extensively as an inspirational battle-song
for increased missionary effort in the Celestial Empire. It
No children's graves in China,
The missionaries say;
In cruel haste and silence
They put those buds away;
No tombstones mark their resting,
To keep their memory sweet;
Their graves unknown, are trodden
Bv many careless feet.
No children 's graves in China,
That land of heathen gloom;
They deem not that their spirits
Will live beyond the tomb.
No little coffin holds them,
Like to a downy nest.
No spotless shroud enfolds them,
Low in their quiet rest.
No children's graves in China
No parents ever weep;
No toy or little relic,
The thoughtless mothers keep.
No mourners e'er assemble.
Around the early dead,
And flowers of careful planting
Ne'er mark their lowly bed.
No children's graves in China
With sad and lovely ties,
To make the living humble.
hem to the skies;
No musings pure and holy,
Of them when day is done;
Be faithful, missionary,
Your work is just begun.
Dr. Eidson's name occupies an honored place in a work called
"The Poets of America,'' printed by the American Publishers'
Association, of Chicago in 1890.
Nelse J. Scurlock
Perhaps the strongest poetical genius that ever resided in
Northeast Missouri was Nelse J. Scurlock, whose death November
14, 1903, was like a tragedy. His body was found on the highway
near Glenwood one frosty morning, but a few days after Mr.
Scurlock had written a touching production that was somewhat
prophetic, and which he entitled: "The Living and the Dead."
There are some very eminent men of letters who have denominated
Mr. Scurlock the real poet laureate of Missouri, and they say
they are perfectly willing to stand on the volume printed after
his death by his friends and admirer, the Rev. Chas. N. Wood.
Mr. Scurlock was a country lad. He never went to college, but he
enjoyed the benefits of a classical education by going to a
district school teacher who had been an instructor in a first
class college. Professor Joseph Barbee taught the classics in
the original and from him young Scurlock received the
inspiration which gave his work a dignity and power approached
by few other poets.
Scurlock's "Ode to Edgar Allen Poe'' was so rich in expression
and so well-constructed that it would have appealed to Poe
himself. "Right Here in Old Missouri" covers all those essential
features of the state's pride that were omitted by the
officially adopted Missouri song. "Fishin' 'Long Old Ellum
Crick," breathes the homely philosophy of the real backwoodsman
of Missouri, and rings as true to nature as the trees of the
forest and the wide rolling meadow. "October in Missouri," "The
Gates of Life," "The Isle of Peace," and "The Enchanted Garden"
are among the other poems illustrating the splendid education
and the harmony of this rustic poet, who only contributed for
country newspapers, with never a thought of receiving a cent for
his work.
"Living and Dead," next to the last of Mr. Scurlock's poems,
appears in the final part of the handsome volume of the poet 's
work, published after his death:
Living and Dead
Hope for the living, fruition, the dead
After the sexton's work, why all the roses?
One down the way of the cactus must tread,
Ever and ever the other reposes.
Smiles for the living, aye, smiles like the dew,
For the dead, sorrow, serene and uplifting;
These rest from trials, where old things are new,
Those on the mad current darkly are drifting.
Tears for the living, tears, deep from the heart,
Memories holy for all the departed;
Death is a Gilead balm for each smart,
Life is a school for the hosts brokenhearted.
Nothing but good of the living be said
Rome was barbarian, wrong in her praises;
Eulogy reaches not out to the dead,
Fair speech is help to those lost in care's mazes.
Peace for the living, peace like the May morn,
Flags waving welcome, unvexed by war's thunder,
Peace like the dead's, until nations unborn
O 'er the great crime of their ancestors wonder.
Mr. Scurlock was born near Glenwood, Schuyler County, February
14, 1859.
Northeast Missouri|
Missouri |

Source: History of Northeast Missouri,
edited by Walter Williams, Volume I, Lewis Publishing Company,