Church Population of Northeast Missouri
Part of the American History and Genealogy Project

Church Denominations by County


The communicants or members for certain selected denominations in each county of Northeast Missouri, as reported in the latest (1906) United States census of statistics of religious bodies, with the population for 1910.

Adair - Population, 21,728; all denominations, 7,400; Protestant bodies, 5,538; Baptists, 597; Free Baptists, 154; Primitive Baptists, 91; Church of Christ Scientist, 17; Disciples of Christ, 1,572; Methodist Episcopal, 1,376; Methodist Episcopal South, 507; African Methodists, 52; Presbyterian IT. S. A., 285; Cumberland Presbyterian, 373; Episcopal, 70; United Brethren in Christ, 313; other Protestant bodies, 130; Roman Catholic, 1,862.

Audrain - Population, 21,160; All denominations, 10.254; Protestant bodies, 8,459; Baptists, 2,326; Primitive Baptists, 75; Scientists, 23; Disciples, 2,210; German Evangelical, 53; Lutheran, 25; Methodists, 631; Southern Methodists, 1,532; African Methodist, 196; Cumberland, 589; Presbyterian U. S. (Southern), 635; Episcopal, 75; other Protestants, 89; Catholic, 1,795.

Boone - Population, 28,642; all denominations, 12,948; Protestant, 12,529; Baptists, 4,119; Free Baptists, 17; Primitive Baptist, 477; Disciples, 3,688; Churches of Christ, 650; German Evangelical, 106; Methodist Episcopal, 285; Southern Methodist, 2,062; African Methodist, 337; Cumberland, 75; Southern Presbyterian, 388; Episcopal, 95; other Protestants, 230; Catholic, 419.

Callaway - Population, 25,984; All denominations, 11,552;. Protestant, 11,081; Baptist, 3,344; Primitive Baptist, 81; Disciples, 3,284; Evangelical, 95; Methodist Episcopal, 218; Southern Methodist, 2,577; African Methodist, 102; Cumberland, 22; Southern Presbyterian, 1,255; Episcopal, 41; United Brethren of Christ, 62; Catholic, 471.

Chariton - Population, 26,826; All denominations, 9,970; Protestant, 7,008; Baptist, 2,195; Disciples, 1,923; Lutheran, 436; Methodist Episcopal, 625; Southern Methodist, 1,404; African Methodist, 297; Cumberland, 363; Southern Presbyterian, 160; Episcopal, 6; United Brethren, 90; other Protestants, 109; Catholic, 2,362.

Clark - Population, 15,383; all denominations, 5,486; Protestant, 4,855; Baptist, 1326; Free Baptist, 20; Congregationalists, 110; Disciples, 954; Evangelical, 422; Methodist Episcopal, 747; Methodist Protestant, 359; Southern Methodist, 425; African Methodist, 31; Cumberland, 161; Southern Presbyterian, 175; other Protestants, 125; Catholic, 631.

Howard - Population, 18,337; all denominations, 8,234; Protestant, 7,540; Baptist, 1,901; Disciples, 2,477; Evangelical, 75; Methodist Episcopal, 590; Southern Methodist, 1879; African Methodist, 257; Presbyterian U. S. A., 60; Cumberland, 167; Episcopal, 24; other Protestants, 110; Catholic, 694.

Knox - Population, 13,479; all denominations, 7,834; Protestant, 3,555; Baptist, 898; Primitive Baptist, 29; Disciples, 1,030; Methodist Episcopal, 741; Southern Methodist, 544; African Methodist, 15; Presbyterian U. S. A., 93; Cumberland, 47; United Brethren, 25; other Protestant, 133; Catholic, 4,279.

Lewis - Population, 16,724; All denominations, 8,967; Protestant, 7,076; Baptist, 3,072; Disciples, 1,463; Evangelical, 51; Lutheran, 274; Methodist Episcopal, 315; Southern Methodist, 1,528; African Methodist, 47; Presbyterian U. S. A., 125; Southern Presbyterian, 16; Episcopal, 40; Catholic, 1,891.

Lincoln - Population, 18,352; All denominations, 9,045; Protestant, 7,034; Baptist, 1,965; Primitive Baptist, 37; Disciples, 1,661; Evangelical, 416; Methodist Episcopal, 720; Southern Methodist, 1,623; African Methodist, 65; Cumberland, 322; Southern Presbyterian, 150; other Protestants, 75; Catholic, 2,011.

Linn - Population, 25,503; All denominations, 9,003; Protestant, 8,020; Baptist, 1,842; Primitive Baptist, 105; Congregationalist, 150; Disciples, 1,562; Church of Christ, 366; Methodist Episcopal, 1,745; Southern Methodist, 1,011; African Methodist, 21; Presbyterian U. S. A., 441; Cumberland, 133; Episcopal, 139; United Brethren, 253; other Protestants, 252; Catholic, 983.

Macon - Population, 33,018; all denominations, 12,085; Protestant, 10,029; Baptist, 3,023; Primitive Baptist, 252; Congregationalist, 341; Disciples, 1,985; Lutheran, 116; Methodist Episcopal, 706; Southern Methodist, 1,124; African Methodist, 215; Presbyterian U. S. A., 288; Cumberland, 1,306; Episcopal, 108; United Brethren. 53; Other Protestants, 512; Catholic, 1,827; Latter Day Saints (reorganized), 229.

Marion - Population, 26,331; all denominations, 13,585; Protestant, 10,121; Baptist, 3,233; Primitive Baptist, 15; Congregationalist, 181; Disciples, 1,950; Lutheran, 1,088; Methodist Episcopal, 500; Southern Methodist, 1,541; African Methodist, 410; Presbyterian U. 8. A., 537; Cumberland, 40; Southern Presbyterian, 166; Episcopal, 262; other Protestants, 198; Catholic, 3,462.

Monroe - Population, 19,716; all denominations, 10,731; Protestant, 8,574; Baptist, 2,462; Primitive Baptist, 106; Disciples, 3,195; Southern Methodist, 1,700; African Methodist, 83; Cumberland, 335; Southern Presbyterian, 590; Episcopal, 103; Catholic, 2,165.

Montgomery - Population, 16,571; all denominations, 6,770; Protestant, 5,520; Baptist, 1,292; Primitive Baptist, 50; Disciples, 849; Evangelical, 109; Lutheran, 122; Methodist Episcopal, 746; Southern Methodist, 1,438; African Methodist, 25; Cumberland, 626; Southern Presbyterian, 177; Episcopal, 13; other Protestants, 73; Catholic, 1,250.

Pike - Population, 25,744; all denominations, 9,829; Protestant, 9,169; Baptist, 3,377; Primitive Baptist, 22; Disciples, 1,657; Methodist Episcopal, 752; Southern Methodist, 894; African Methodist, 398; Presbyterian U. S. A., 58; Cumberland, 1,833; Southern Presbyterian, 16; Episcopal, 132; other Protestants, 50; Catholic, 660.

Putnam - Population, 16,688; all denominations, 3,735; Protestant, 3,630; Baptist, 651; Free Baptist, 124; Primitive Baptist, 18; Disciples, 974; Church of Christ, 442; Methodist Episcopal, 610; Methodist Protestant, 200; Presbyterian U. 8. A., 76; United Brethren, 243; other Protestants, 292; Catholic, 105.

Ralls - Population, 12,287; all denominations, 6,192; Protestant, 4,578; Baptist, 1,069; Primitive Baptist, 37; Disciples, 2,375; Methodist Episcopal, 94; Southern Methodist, 457; African Methodist, 41; Cumberland, 95; Southern Presbyterian, 225; other Protestants, 185; Catholic, 614.

Randolph - Population, 24,442; all denominations, 12,607; Protestant, 10,264; Baptist, 3,117; Disciples, 2,531; Church of Christ, 93; Lutheran, 53; Methodist Episcopal, 372; Southern Methodist, 2,482; African Methodist, 255; Presbyterian U. S. A., 220; Cumberland, 1,036; Episcopal, 65; other Protestants, 40; Catholic, 2,134; Latter Day Saints, 209.

St. Charles - Population, 24,474; all denominations, 15,391; Protestant, 6,454; Baptist, 287; Disciples, 125; Evangelical, 1,923; Lutheran, 2,319; Methodist Episcopal, 234; Southern Methodist, 801; African Methodist, 225; Presbyterian U. S. A., 110; Southern Presbyterian, 361; Episcopal, 69; Catholic, 8,937.

Schuyler - Population, 10,840; all denominations, 2,932; Protestant, 2,899; Baptist, 507; Free Baptists, 139; Disciples, 1,195; Church of Christ, 30; Methodist Episcopal, 505; Southern Methodist, 160; Cumberland, 133; other Protestants, 230; Catholic, 33.

Scotland- Population, 13,232; all denominations, 4,810; Protestant, 4,782; Baptist, 887; Disciples, 1,365; Church of Christ, 50; Methodist Episcopal, 908; Methodist Protestant, 139; Southern Methodist, 445; African Methodist, 10; Cumberland, 509; Southern Presbyterian, 230; United Brethren, 176; other Protestant, 63; Catholic, 28.

Shelby- Population, 16,167; all denominations, 7,378; Protestant, 6,730; Baptist, 1,802; Primitive Baptist, 41; Disciples, 1,554; Lutheran, 81; Methodist Episcopal, 554; Southern Methodist, 2,047; African Methodist, 69; Presbyterian U" S. A., 139; Cumberland, 68; Southern Presbyterian, 72; Episcopal, 4; other Protestant, 319; Catholic, 648.

Sullivan - Population, 20,282; all denominations, 4,689; protestant, 4,440; Baptist, 883; Primitive Baptist, 4; Disciples, 864; Church of Christ, 150; Methodist Episcopal, 1,036; Methodists, Protestant, 141; Southern Methodists, 712; African Methodists, 10; Presbyterian U.S.A., 227; United Brethren, 8; Other Protestant, 405; Catholic, 249.

Warren - Population, 9,919; all denominations, 3,451; Protestant, 2,762; Baptist, 163; Primitive Baptist, 34; Disciples, 60; German Evangelical, 1,507; Methodist Episcopal, 574; Southern Methodist, 383; African Methodist, 33; Southern Presbyterian, 8; Catholic, 689.

The total membership of these denominations in the entire state was: Missouri population (1900), 3,106,665; all denominations, 1,199,239; Protestant, 802,116; Baptist, 198,459; Free Baptist, 5,525; Primitive Baptist, 4,040; Scientist, 2,644; Congressionalist, 11,446; Disciples, 159,050; Church of Christ, 7,087; German Evangelical, 32,715; Lutheran, 41,185; Methodist Episcopal, 80,334; Methodist Protestant, 4,712; Southern Methodist, 112,068; African Methodist, 15,063; Presbyterian U. S. A., 25,991; Cumberland, 28,637; Southern Presbyterian, 14,713; Episcopal, 13,328; United Brethren, 3,321; other Protestants, 33,160; Catholic, 382,642; Latter Day Saints, 7,880. 

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Source: History of Northeast Missouri, edited by Walter Williams, Volume I, Lewis Publishing Company, 1913


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