Catholic Church of Northeast Missouri
By the Rev, J. T. Tuohy, LL. D, S.T.D.,
The advent of the Catholic Church to
Missouri dates long before the settlement of the Louisiana territory.
The first French missionaries had reached the pioneer settlements as
early as 1764. In fact Father Marquette, the Jesuit missionary, had
sailed down the Mississippi and passed the present site of St. Louis a
century before. When Laclede had established his settlement in St.
Louis, two priests came with him. The first Catholic Church was built in
1770. The church was organized into a diocese by the decree of Rome in
1827 and the first cathedral built in 1834, just thirteen years after
the state was admitted into the Union.
From St. Louis as a center the Catholic
Church soon began to spread to various points, especially to points in
what is now Northeast Missouri. St. Charles County is the pioneer county
of this section in this respect. As early as 1792 the French missionary
had reached that point.
The first church edifice, a neat,
substantial stone structure, was built and dedicated at St. Charles by
the Venerable Bishop Joseph Rosati, the first bishop of St. Louis, in
1829. The Jesuit Fathers had come there the year previous. It was the
writer's privilege to have made his first communion and to have
worshipped in this first church.
Between the years 1822 and 1826 the same
fathers had established parishes and built churches at Portage des Sioux
and Dardenne. The Sisters of the Sacred Heart from France had also
established a school at St. Charles, but were obliged to discontinue it
for want of support in 1819. When the first church was opened the
Venerable Mother Sophie Barat reestablished her community and soon a
large convent was built adjoining the stone church. This convent is
still extant. At this time the parish was very poor, however, numbering
107 struggling French settlers. Nevertheless, from St. Charles as a
center the Catholic Church soon spread all along both the Missouri and
Mississippi rivers and to various interior points of the western section
of Northeast Missouri.
The late Most Rev. Peter Richard Kenrick
succeeded Bishop Rosati as Bishop of St. Louis, Dec. 1, 1841.
Organization was effected by Bishop Kenrick's coming to St. Louis and
from that time one may take up each of the counties of Northeast
Missouri in historical order as the Catholic church was established
within their borders.
Adair County
The Catholic settlements in this county were few and far between. They
were occasionally attended from Edina. The Rev. John Ryan came to St.
Mary's Parish in Adair County as resident priest about 1876. He had been
previously assistant priest to the famous Father James Henry, that Lord
Chesterfield of the clergy, the late pastor of St. Laurence 'Toole
parish, St. Louis. Father Ryan remained in charge of Adair until his
transfer to St. Bridget's, St. Louis, in 1889. He was succeeded by the
present rector, the Rev. John O'Shea, who had exchanged places with
Father Ryan. Kirksville, the county seat, was erected into a parish
about 1903, when the Rev. A. Gass, S. T. D., was sent from St. Louis to
become its first pastor. Under Doctor Gass a mission church was built
and a rectory. Doctor Gass was succeeded by the present rector, the Rev.
Alexander L. Mercer, a son of the "Old Bay State" and, like Doctor Gass,
an alumnus of the American College, Rome. Father Mercer had been
assistant at St. Cronin's parish, St. Louis, the previous ten years. He
attends the mission of LaPlata from Kirksville.
Novinger, another Catholic settlement, and
Connelsville have been organized within the past few years; both are
attended from Milan, Sullivan County.
Audrain County
Not until 1871 was there a priest to regularly attend any place in this
county. It was just the year before that the well-known and sturdy
pioneer, the Rev. Francis McKenna "Father McKinny" of the old people had
come up from New Madrid in the Southeast to Northeast Missouri and
started to organize a congregation at Mexico, the county seat. He soon,
however, went farther west as he sensed a far more important opening
about thirty-eight miles farther west and north. He had at the time for
his assistant, the Rev. C. F. O'Leary. Accordingly he early turned over
the organizing, as well as the new parish, to him. Thus Father Leary
became the first pastor of Mexico. Father O'Leary also organized the
mission at Martinsburg, fourteen miles east. He established the parish
at Fulton, and built its first church. He visited Columbia, held
services in the courthouse, later organized the parish and turned the
further work there over to his assistant, the late Rev. William T.
At the close of about seven years of
strenuous missionary work, Father O'Leary was succeeded at Mexico by the
late Rev. E. J. Dempsey, a son of Shelby County. Father Dempsey's,
pastorate covered a period of about twenty years. During the first years
of his time in Mexico he had for assistant, the Rev. J. T. Tuohy, who
attended the missions established by Father O'Leary, Martinsburg,
Fulton, Centralia, Columbia, and also Sturgeon. He later gave up these
missions and they were transferred to Moberly
Father Dempsey was succeeded by the
present energetic and popular rector, the Rev. H. J. Dillon. Vandalia
was organized and regularly attended, also Laddonnia. At the former
there is now a resident priest. Father Dillon also built a fine church
structure for the congregation at Fulton. Father Dillon enjoys the
distinction of being Dean of the Northeast Missouri Conference, an honor
conferred by the vote of his fellow priests, eleven in the district. The
conferences are held at his residence.
Martinsburg finally became a separate
parish under the Rev. Joseph Haar its first rector, who still continues
in charge.
Boone County
The comparatively few Catholics in small, scattered settlements here and
there in the county had for years received only few and far between
visits from priests. From the establishment of the church at Montgomery
City, however, the records give Columbia as "attended occasionally"
therefrom. At the county courthouse Catholic services were held a time
or two. But not until after the building of the branch line of the
Wabash Railroad, then the St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern Railroad,
south from Centralia was there any systematic effort made in the way of
a church organization. The church building was largely the result of the
persistent zeal and activity of Mrs. James Clapp. Later the work was
helped by Miss Cornelia McAfee, now Sister Mary Augustine, of
Louisville, Kentucky, a devoted daughter of the church. Columbia was
first attended as a mission station from Montgomery City, but in 1881
was assigned a resident priest, the Rev. John N. Kern.
His successors were the Rev. G. A. Watson,
the distinguished and scholarly Rev. P. F. O'Reilly, now retired at
Elfin Dale, Greene county, the Rev. C. E. Byrne, the Rev. Arthur
O'Reilly, now of Catawissa, Missouri, the Rev. William E. Randall, the
Rev. Dr. J. B. Pleuss, and the present, much respected rector, the Rev,
Thomas J. Lloyd, who is doing much excellent organization work. Father
Lloyd has secured the Sisters of St. Joseph to open a parish school.
Sturgeon is likewise an old Catholic
center in this county. It has had the honor of being attended at one
time by the Right Rev. Bishop Hogan, now the nestor of American
hierarchy, then pastor of Chillicothe. He left a record of a visit and
some baptisms on the occasion of a visit in 1869. It was Bishop Hogan's
custom at the time to visit the various railroad camps along the line of
the new railroads and the stations nearby. The writer has seen the
record which he left, and been the guest of the family which he visited
on the occasion of his call at Sturgeon. The present church at Sturgeon
was built in the early 70s under the pastorate of the Rev. M. J. McCabe,
now of St. Michael's, St. Louis. It is now attended from Columbia.
Centralia is also attended from Columbia, mass being said there the
third Sunday of each month.
Callaway County
Priests have visited this county from time to time at the various points
which contained Catholic settlers. At the old settlement of Catholics in
the southeastern point of the county known as Hancock Prairie services
have been held and a mission chapel built from an early date. This
congregation is still extant and is at present attended from Starkenburg,
Montgomery County.
At Fulton, the county seat, the first
effort to organize a regular parish took place about 1874. Father
Russell, who later made his head-quarters with Father O'Leary, was the
first to visit Fulton regularly. He did not long remain, however. Father
O'Leary then took up the work. He soon had the little congregation
organized. Work was begun on a permanent church, and finally the little
brick church was dedicated under the title St. Peter's. This was about
1876. During Father Dempsey's pastorate at Mexico, Fulton was attended
by his assistant, the Rev. J. T. Tuohy, LL. D., and also by the latter
when Father McKenna took charge of the missions. The Rev. J. J. Dillon
next took charge of Fulton, attending it from Mexico. During his charge
the present new church was built. About two years ago Fulton was made a
separate parish and the Rev. Joseph Gilfillan appointed the first
pastor. He was succeeded by the Rev. Joseph S. Hirner in 1911. Auxvasse,
Guthrie and McCreedie, on the Chicago & Alton Railroad branch, have a
few small Catholic Settlements. These are looked after by the Rev. J. J.
Dillon, of Mexico.
Chariton County
The first mention one finds of any Catholics being regularly attended at
any place in this county is the year 1869, when Brunswick was regularly
visited from Carrollton. It soon came under the charge of the Franciscan
Later the Franciscan Fathers organized the
parish of Wien from Chillicothe, and it has become a large congregation,
chiefly German, with a large parish school.
Salisbury, however, is the most important
parish in Chariton County. In the '80s it was but a mission attended
from Glasgow. Finally it became part of the late Father J. Hennes'
charge. The Rev. J. F. Lubeley, present permanent rector of Holy Trinity
church, St. Louis, succeeded to Salisbury about 1903. Under his
pastorate of about five years the present fine stone structure was
built, fully equipped, paid for and dedicated. Salisbury has likewise a
parish school. The present rector is the Rev. F. J. Ernst.
Aholt, a settlement with its parish
school, has a resident priest.
Clark County
It was in 1852 at North Santa Fe, as it then was called, that the first
Catholic congregation was organized in this county. It was under the
pioneer missionary. Father Dennis Byrne. By 1859 St. Mary's, now known
as St. Patrick's, had been established. Father Eugene Coyle, for the
past twenty year's rector of the old Cathedral in St. Louis, served ten
years as pastor at St. Patrick's. The parish is now in charge of Father
Daniel Donovan, recently of Ralls County. Kahoka has also grown to be a
flourishing congregation.
Howard County
While scattered settlements had been occasionally visited by priests in
this county it was not until 1867 that we find that Glasgow was
announced as the first parish. The permanent church structure and parish
school were established by the late Father Joseph Pauk, founder of St.
Engelbert's Parish, St. Louis. Father John H. Waeltermann has been
pastor for the past ten years. At present he is engaged in building a
fine $50,000 church, soon to be dedicated.
New Franklin, on the Missouri, Kansas &
Texas Railroad, has, since the railroad has been built, come on the
church map and is the center of considerable Catholic work. Father P. J.
Ward, the present pastor, also attends Fayette, the county seat.
Knox County
The year 1852 marks the announcement to the outer world of Edina, the
county seat, as a Catholic parish. The Rev. D. S. Phelan, the veteran
editor of the Western Watchman, now of St. Louis, was its pastor
forty-five years ago, and founded and edited the Missouri Watchman from
there. The pastorate, however, of the later Father John Fitzgerald, who
was assisted by his brother, marks the red letter days of the parish.
Then was built and financed the large stone edifice and also the Sisters
of Loretto from Kentucky came to the parish and established their large
convent. Father Fitzgerald died about 1899 towards his seventieth year.
He was succeeded by Father Christopher Byrne, now of the Church Progress
staff, St. Louis. Under Father Byrne the former school was taken down
and the new and larger one built. The present permanent rector is the
Rev. Richard Healy, formerly of Macon City and St. Louis.
Baring, on the Santa Fe Railroad, has
developed into an important parish within the past ten years. Under
charge of the enterprising pastor, the Rev. James J. O'Reilly, first
class church improvements have been made.
Lewis County
By 1859 the Catholic Church organization had become known to its
communicants in Lewis County. These had settled near LaGrange and they
were occasionally attended by priests from St. Mary's, Clark County. But
not before ten years later, or 1869, had they the regular services of a
Canton has, however, meanwhile grown to be
the chief Catholic center of the county.
Lincoln County
Milwood had become a well-known Catholic center by the year 1852. The
pastorate of the late Father J. Clarey was the longest, as he died past
his eightieth year. A new church has been built under the present
administrator, the Rev. P. F. Quigley. A parish school had been
established just previous to the latter's coming by the late Rev.
Stephen Carroll. It is under the charge of the Sisters of St. Dominic
from the Monastery of Hunt's Point, New York. Father Quigley, present
administrator, has been assigned Father Carr to aid him in his declining
Linn County
Previous to the excision of this county from the archdiocese of St.
Louis, as provided at the Second Plenary Council of Baltimore in 1866,
various places containing Catholic settlers had been occasionally
visited by priests. It was, however, only after the erection of the St.
Joseph diocese and the annexation of this county thereto that we find
any regular organization attempted. Accordingly, in 1866, we find for
the first time the announcement of a parish, Brookfield. During the
pastorate of the present rector, the Rev. Walter Tormey, M. R., which
covers nearly half the age of the parish, a flourishing organization has
been maintained. The Rev. D. A. Feely is associated with the pastor in
all the work.
Marceline has come on the map somewhat
later and is the seat of a flourishing parish under charge of the Rev.
P. J. Cullen.
Macon County
Until 1871 the Catholics of this county had no priest permanently
stationed among them. The late Rev. P. B. Cahill came up from Moberly,
where he had been a short time assisting Father F. McKenna, and begun
the real work. The first structure, a brick one, with the rectory, two
rooms in the rear adjoining, was built on the site presented to Father
Cahill. Father Cahill, somewhat broken in health, retired about 1898 and
as he had sufficient personal means returned to his native Tipperary,
where he died in 1904. The most recent successor is the Rev. Richard J.
Healy, now permanent rector of Edina, Knox County. Under his pastorate
the greatest work since the parish was established has been
accomplished, the building of a splendid new church.
Troy, the county seat, has come up within
the last fifteen years. Under the present rector, the accomplished
litterateur and musician, the Rev. L. A. Schlathoelter, fine
improvements have been created. We say it advisedly "created," not made,
because it is difficult to see how so few with but ordinary conditions
can do so much and so handsomely. Old Monroe, with its parish school has
a flourishing organization. Elsberry has seen the beginning of work and
is regularly attended from Louisiana. Mashek is a settlement of Catholic
Bohemians regularly attended from Troy.
Marion County
Not before 1859 had a Catholic congregation been established in the
county at Hannibal. The advent of the Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad,
and the location of its shops at this point soon brought the element
that makes for a Catholic parish. Almost coincidently with this influx
of settlers the Parish of the Immaculate Conception, B. V. M., was
formed. The Rev. P. J. Cronin, afterwards the distinguished editor of
The Catholic Union and Times, Buffalo, New York, was for a few years in
the late '60s in charge. Shortly after came the pioneer missionary, the
late Rev. Dennis Kennedy, whose pastorate was redolent of good work
which yet continues and which covered about twenty-five years. The large
convent and parish school of the Sisters of St. Joseph from Carondelet,
St. Louis, was also established during this pastorate. Father Kennedy
died full of works and days in the early '90s. He was succeeded by the
scholarly, accomplished musician and pulpit orator, the Rev. M. J.
McLaughlin, who lived all too short a period of years, dying in 1903.
The Rev. Daniel Sullivan, formerly rector at Monroe City, succeeded to
the Hannibal parish, which is now a parish of over twelve hundred
Palmyra, in this county, has also become a
Catholic settlement and is regularly attended by a priest and has its
parish school.
Monroe County
By the year 1852 large settlements of Kentucky immigrants had been
established in this county. For their accommodation a parish was
organized and a church built and dedicated at Indian creek or ''Swenky,"
as it was familiarly termed. The late Rev. Joseph Tolton, the first
Catholic colored priest in the United States, was a native of this
parish. The present fine new church structure was built by the Rev. John
Lyons now of St. Pius parish, St. Louis.
About fifteen years ago many of the
parishioners, retiring from the farms, moved into the new town just then
established, Monroe City, which has since become the chief town of the
county, as well as its Catholic center. Today Monroe City has a fine new
church. The well-known Father John Ryan is now in charge.
Montgomery County
From an early date the Jesuit Fathers from St. Charles visited and held
services at various points in the county. Father P. M. O'Neill seems to
have been the first priest who was located in Montgomery City, where he
built a church and rectory.
Father Michael J. McCabe, now of St.
Michael's, St. Louis, followed soon after Father O'Neill and was pastor
at Montgomery City about forty-five years ago. Father John J. Head, now
of Annunciation parish, St. Louis, followed shortly after Father McCabe,
Father J. Daly coming in between for but a short period. Father Head's
pastorate, which lasted more than ten years, has ever since justly
merited him the cognomen of the ''Apostle of Northeast Missouri." He
built the fine new church at Montgomery City, and, like another St.
Kevin as pastor of the ''seven churches," his record was a church a year
for as many years in the places he attended. The churches of Wellsville
and Jonesburg - improved and enlarged, Truesdale, Wentzville, were all
built during his time. At Jonesburg he received from the late Bernard
Pratt, a former mayor of St. Louis (1859), a farm of 229 acres, for the
support of the priest or the building of a new church in their option,
and which the parish still possesses. In turn at the different missions
Father Head conducted daily services, and on Sunday double services,
going by hand-car from station to station. On the week days at each
place mass was said, the attendants, appointments and paraphernalia of
each of them, said a competent eye-witness, would make one feel that he
was in some convent chapel rather than a mission country church. Father
Head, hale and light-hearted, yet lives, capable of much service. All of
the places formerly attended from Montgomery City have become separate
congregations with their own pastors. In the county there are two of
these, one at Jonesburg, the Rev. J, T. Tuohy, LL. D., pastor, the other
Wellsville, the Rev. D. J. Hurly, pastor.
Starkenburg, near Rhineland station of the
Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad, has become a most interesting
Catholic center. It is the location of the celebrated shrine dedicated
to the Blessed Virgin Mary, under the title of ** Mother of Sorrows."
There is a fine stone church edifice here, large parish schools and the
new grand shrine. Every year thousands are attracted thither, many
coming from as far as St. Louis. A paper Die Pilger, in the interests of
the Shrine, is published by the pastor, the Rev. George W. Hoehn, the
present rector and founder of this interesting work.
Pike County
The organization of a Catholic congregation in this county dates from
1859, when the first was established at Louisiana. It was not until the
pastorate of the devoted if rather strenuous Father P. J. Gleason that
anything in the way of solid, substantial, lasting improvement was made.
Father Gleason built the present brick church. The Chicago & Alton
Railroad had its terminus at Louisiana and then began extending further
westward. During this time Father Gleason, availing himself of the
increase in the parish and proverbial generosity of railroaders, made
his improvements. He afterwards was promoted to St. Louis, where he
founded the present Holy Name Parish. Father Daniel Gleason is the
present rector.
There is also another congregation,
established now for some years, in the vicinity of Bowling Green, the
county seat, St. Clements. There is a parish school in connection with
the parish. Also the mission of New Hartford in this county is attended
from St. Clements.
Putnam County
Unionville, the county seat, has been a Catholic settlement and visited
regularly by a priest since 1876. It has a mission church but not a
resident priest. It is, however, regularly attended from Milan.
There are Catholic settlers at Howland and
Mendota, which are stations also attended from Milan.
Ralls County
This county as early as 1852 had become the home of many settlers who
had emigrated from Kentucky. A parish was organized and a church built
for them at St. Paul's. Father Andrew McBride was the pioneer pastor.
New London, however, has since become the chief Catholic center of the
county. Father E. A. Casey, now of St. Louis, did some work here a few
years ago. The new church was dedicated recently under the pastorate of
the Rev. Daniel Donovan.
Randolph County
Father Francis McKenna in 1876 began his ministrations in Moberly, then
a new railroad town. His long years of fruitful work in Moberly and
surrounding mission stations is part of the church history. He early
opened a parish school under charge of the Sisters of Loretto. He built
a church edifice, St. John's, which at once became a center of large
influence. Father McKenna retired in 1885 and died in 1888. Father John
Ryan succeeded him in a successful pastorate of twenty years. Father P.
J. Carney followed and in a short time succeeded in building a
magnificent new church of brick and stone costing $75,000. Moberly,
together with other places in twenty of the counties of Northeast
Missouri was by decree of the Holy See in 1911, annexed to the Diocese
of St. Joseph, Missouri.
Schuyler County
The principal Catholic
congregation in this county is that known as Mudd's Settlement in about
the center of the county towards the Iowa state line. Its establishment
dates back at least half a century. It has been visited at intervals by
many of the well-known missionaries of Northeast Missouri. While it has
had for years a substantial church structure, it has never had a
resident priest. It is now attended from Kahoka.
Downing, on the Santa
Fe Railroad, has come up as a Catholic settlement since the building of
the railroad. It is also attended from Kahoka.
As early as 1852 the congregation of Mudd Settlement was on the diocesan
roll as a mission regularly attended by the priests of the diocese. The
Settlement is today flourishing as of yore and is attended from Kanoka.
Memphis, the county
seat, has more recently been placed on the roll of places attended by
In 1869 Shelbina, the county seat, became the first Catholic parish in
this county and the late Rev. D. Macken the first pastor. Rev. Father M.
J. Collins, the present rector, built the present fine church. There are
flourishing Catholic congregations regularly attended in Hunnewell,
Lakenan and Clarence.
Charles County
In addition to the already mentioned parishes established in this
county, Dardenne had its resident priest in 1859 and a year later the
parish of Wellsburg and Dog Prairie was established under the direction
of the famous pioneer missionary. Father Edward Hamill, later the
founder of the rich Irish settlement in Saline County, now called
Shackelford. St. Peter's was established soon after and under the
pastorate of the well-remembered Father Stautinger the present Gothic
structure was dedicated. O'Fallon was the next to build a permanent
structure. Under the distinguished Father Brockhagen, editor and
physician, as pastor for nearly a third of a century, O'Fallon has
Father Jasper, a
specialist in scientific agriculture and political economy, has
succeeded the late Father Brockhagen. A fine new church is now the
program of the parish. Shortly after 1870, the nuns of the Order of the
Most Precious Blood came to 'Fallon, having been expelled from Prussia
under the Bismarck Falk Laws, since repealed, and established a large
convent. This has since become the Order's Novitiate, Normal Institute
and Mother-house for the numerous Sisters who teach in many parish
schools of St. Louis and the state. At St. Paul's a large and still
growing congregation has been established since Father Hamill's day and
is now in charge of Father E. J. Kern. Flinthill has a flourishing
congregation under Father Aug. J. Von Brunn. Josephsville and Wentzville
also have good congregations under Fathers A. Becker and J. H. Krechther,
The principal Catholic center in this county is at Milan, the county
seat. Its history is hardly twenty years old. It is in charge of a
resident priest, the Rev. John J. Jermain. Green City is also attended
from Milan, and also three other places in the adjoining county of
As early as 1852 Marthasville in this county was regularly visited from
Washington where the Franciscan Fathers are now, but the Jesuit Fathers
then were established just south across the Missouri River. Dutzow was
about the next place to have a church in 1868. Later Peers has been
established. Father John J. Head, well known missionary of Northeast
Missouri, built many churches in adjoining counties, and in 1882 built
the commodious brick church at Truesdale. Father Head was enabled to
effect this fine work by the legacy left for the purpose by Mrs. Ann
Gallery, an old settler of Warren County. The Rev. J. T. Tuohy, LL.D.,
is at present in charge of this mission.
General Summary
Outside of St. Charles County,
the history of the Catholic Church in the twenty-five counties of
Northeast Missouri is little more than seventy-five years old. Not a
congregation was organized or a priest regularly stationed in that
entire section at that time. Sixty-four priests are today regularly
stationed and resident in this section. There are seventy-one churches,
twenty stations preparing to organize congregations and build churches,
twenty-nine parish schools, having an attendance of 3,206 children. The
Catholic population is about 25,000. All except the eight southern
counties adjoining the Missouri river were, by decree of the Holy See,
last year annexed to the Diocese of St. Joseph, Missouri, having been
taken from the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of St. Louis. This, it is
considered, will concentrate more direct attention upon these northern
counties by the church officials and should stimulate rapid religious
Catholic Encyclopedia; Catholic History of the United States, by John
Gilmary Shea, LL.D.; Reminiscences of a Missionary Priest, by the Rt.
Rev. John J. Hogan, D. B., Bishop of Kansas City; Centenary and Annals
of St. Charles Borromeo's Parish, St. Charles, Mo., by the Rev. James
Conway, S. J.; Historical Sketch of the Church in Montgomery County, by
the Rev. Paul Gross; Official Catholic Directory, 1849, 1850. 1851,
1852, etc., etc., to 1911.
© Missouri American History and Genealogy Project
Created August 16, 2017 by Judy White
Source: History of Northeast Missouri, edited by
Walter Williams, Volume I, Lewis Publishing Company, 1913